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Robert Winterton



Robert Winterton



Robert Winterton

As Director of Public Affairs, Robert works to publicize and promote our work to key audiences, acting as the bridge between complex issues in technology policy and regular political dialogue.

Robert, who joined us in February 2018, works to ensure that NetChoice is effectively publicized reaching both traditional and non-traditional audiences.

Before joining NetChoice, Robert worked as the Digital Marketing & Outreach Manager at TechFreedom, a tech policy think tank. Working on issues such as Section 230, FISA, net neutrality and the peer-to-peer economy, Robert focused on analyzing ways to better understand how these issues were perceived by the public with message testing and paid advertising providing key insights.

Robert also worked on coalitions with several state and federal focused organizations to strategize how best to protect innovation from overregulation and anti-tech interests. He is deeply interested in working to curb populist demands that undermine technology’s positive impact on human wellbeing and prosperity.

He also previously worked as a private contractor, providing communications consultancy to a number of DC-based think tanks.

Robert obtained his degree in International Politics from King’s College, University of London focusing on political theory, philosophy and international relations.