Reminder: Liberals and Leftists are DIFFERENT
For centuries, Americans have stood on a solid foundation of capitalism and classical liberalism. And together, on that foundation, we debated and bickered it out as conservatives, independents, and liberals across the political spectrum.
It was this foundation of principles that made our country the great success it is today. That is why the left intends to destroy that foundation.
If you learn one thing from me, I hope it is an understanding that liberals and leftists are completely different people. Yes, I know, the wokest of the woke neoliberals are really challenging that notion lately, but at the end of the day, we have to reflect on our true enemy: leftists.
Leftists want to change our economy to socialists, remove economic and financial freedom from the people, place it entirely in the hands of the government, and move away from individual rights and into an authoritarian/ totalitarian style of government and life.
If you look on social media, the Marxists, socialists and communists that make up America’s left are quite clear about their hatred of not just conservatives, but liberals too, because they see us as one and the same.