WEF Destroys the Planet Under the Guise of Saving It

“What does it mean to master the future?” Klaus Schwab, head of the World Economic
Forum, posed this question to the menagerie of tech CEOs, medical tycoons, oligarchs, and
politicians gathered in Davos for the World Economic Forum.
The WEF and its Great Reset theory dangle an appealing promise to the masses: We can take
complete control of our own destiny. We can save the planet from certain demise and create a perpetual global utopia — we can make ourselves into gods —as long as we embrace the ideology of globalism, and empower the right people to enact it.
The right people, of course, are the all-too-eager, mostly-unelected attendees of Davos themselves.
“When you start to think about it, it’s pretty extraordinary that we — select
John Kerry — former U.S. Secretary of State
group of human beings, because of whatever touched us at some point in our
lives — are able to sit in a room and come together and actually talk about
saving the planet.”
A “select group of human beings.” Who selected them? They did.
The idyllic future the WEF promises is unattainable — there is no utopia just around the corner.
But the WEF’s grandiose vision could very easily bring us to a dystopia: a hellscape of
modernity created to flatter the elites’ vision of themselves as our saviors.
The World Economic Forum is eager to curtail our freedom to travel or eat meat or enjoy
plentiful electricity for the sake of tackling climate change, but they will never be so worried
about the climate that elites will lose the right to fly private jets somewhere to discuss it.
These elites are the very same people who believe the declining birthrate is not a problem, but “overpopulation” is.
“On the one hand, great challenges of overpopulation are presented to poor
World Economic Forum
and emerging countries while, on the other hand, the European Union, Japan
and the United States will need to revise migration policies and implement
new changes in their economic models if they want to guarantee pensions
and social security contributions in the coming years.”
Instead of supporting policies which would reverse declining birth rates and strengthen
American (or European, or Japanese) families, the globalists at Davos call for dissolving all forms of national and even individual sovereignty. They want the nations and peoples of the world reduced to meaningless lines on a map — and eventually, it stands to reason, they will want the lines abolished in favor of a single supranational order.
Whether you call it “ESG” or “stakeholder capitalism,” the Davos vision is one where the line
between elected government and unelected corporate power blurs more and more, removing
the positive traits of both. Government becomes more and more immune to public input or
public outcry, while the “private sector” becomes more and more centralized and authoritarian.
But don’t take it from me. Take it from the director of the FBI just the other day at Davos:
“The level of collaboration between the private sector and government,
Christopher Wray — Director of the FBI
especially the FBI, has I think, made significant strides.”
When the political class cannot legislate censorship, they will do so by colluding with private
corporations. That is what the Twitter Files has revealed, but this isn’t a one-off misdeed of the
FBI, nor is it unique to America. It is the purposeful agenda of the globalist class.
The speakers at the World Economic Forum will spout loudly about defending democracy, but
not because they believe in it. To them, “democracy” is just a euphemism for getting what they
want. Actual electoral politics, for them, is just a transitory phase toward an elite technocracy.
That is why they also cultivate a fear of free speech and stoke phobias about “misinformation”.
Globalists speak about “open societies,” yet are profoundly frightened by openness, by systems that are not under their control.
European nations suppress speech that does not fit the approved narrative. Citizens in the U.K.
have been arrested for sharing opinions deemed unacceptable. Because of course, only “domestic terrorists” would disagree with state-sponsored spokesmen, and their dissent is a threat to “democracy.”
No borders, no speech, more centralization, more control. That is the vision being celebrated at the World Economic Forum. It’s a great example of what people can dream up when drunk on
their own brilliance and self-righteousness. It’s a vision we should stay far away from.
To slightly revise what Ronald Reagan once said:
The eleven most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the World Economic
Forum, and I’m here to help.
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