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Trigger Warning: The Not So “Painless Abortion Process”

Many people had a visceral reaction to an illustrative video showcasing a mock abortion using small noodle-like props fashioned like limbs, an abdomen, and a head, which were pulled apart one by one and placed into a pan. The mock uterus, which looks to be a half-cut pear or a peach, is then scraped out a bit after having the fluid sucked out by a syringe. The video was sardonically entitled, “Painless Abortion Process” and is a powerful tool to showcase the horrors of abortion, as well as the inhuman dismantling of a human life – which is exactly what abortion is. What a terrible blight on our society is the legal murder; the legal slaughter of innocence!

I’ll tell you what – what is showcased in such a video has absolutely nothing to do with “women’s reproductive health,” as reproduction has already taken place. There is absolutely no way around this very simple and basic scientific fact regarding human development. This is the murder of an already created, living human being with its own genetic make-up, its own personhood, its own life! 

Ladies, this is your son or daughter… DO NOT MURDER HIM or HER!!! You have already granted them the gift of life, so do not commit the act of murder in an effort to be absolved of your own willful actions. And before you go there, if the baby is conceived through the act of rape, you don’t have the moral right to murder innocence because your innocence was taken. You say you have been victimized, so according to your “morally sensible” logic, you lament the abuse of your innocence by abusing someone else and stripping them of theirs? You cannot claim the moral high ground of victimization while you victimize another victim due to your own victimization.

Just a lil food for thought. Stand for your baby and love your baby.  They deserve to live.


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- Senator Marco Rubio, Florida