Transgender “Health Official” Rachel Levine is Being Recognized As First Female Four-Star Admiral

Imagine elevating a man who suffers from an unchecked, life-altering, mental health condition to a high-ranking health position, then promoting that very same person to a four-star Admiral whilst having never served in our nation’s armed forces. Envision this bizarre situation then tack on to the ludicrousness of this entire scenario that this man – this grown confused man – has made history as the first FEMALE four-star Admiral. Never mind the fact he is a male and doesn’t have any military experience at all. Neither of these points seems valid enough nor provide any merit to their subjective take. A take that concludes with their feelings not caring about the facts. Facts are nothing more than pesky details that disrupt someone’s personally lived experience anyway, right?
Well, needless to say, this is no made-up scenario, this is indeed real life. In fact, the man’s name is Rachel Levine, a 63-year-old transgender, who is currently working for the Biden Administration as the Assistant Secretary for Health and has now been promoted to the rank of four-star Admiral.
As stated earlier, a man who suffers from a mental health disorder (Gender Identity Disorder, aka G.I.D. to be exact), who encourages others to defy reality so that it matches his own confused lifestyle, has trumped ALL women to be considered our nation’s first female four-star Admiral. This is the future author George Orwell warned us about; what’s proper, sensible, and full of virtue has been exchanged for the most ridiculous concepts of epic proportions. The truth has become malleable, and their imagination has taken control of reality for a bitter example of what woke culture has emboldened.
Mind you, while North Korea has constructed and tested out long-range, globe-circling ballistic missiles, we in the United States of America are still trying to get people to realize just because they are a man who thinks they are a woman, doesn’t mean they are, nor does it mean they should be labeled as the first “woman” to do anything. This seems obvious but needless to say, it seems we are a long way from recognizing this basic factual notion.
This is a complete and utter shame. The current administration’s implementation of “wokeness” within the realm of politics has turned the greatest nation in the world into the laughingstock of the world.
May God help us all.