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The Feminist Fight to Destroy the World

What started off as a legitimate fight for basic women’s rights has morphed into a full-fledged battle against the world to tear down the family unit, destroy social constructs, and indoctrinate every living being via the LGBTQ’s agenda. Keep in mind here, these are just surface-level issues in an effort to keep it basic. If I delved deeper into the war feminists have waged against society as of late, I would need a Harry Potter novel series worth of pages to effectively detail the root causes of this phenomena, as well as dissect its most sacred tenants. 

To give a brief synopsis of the matter, being a feminist today means one must be ALL INCLUSIVE. Typically, this results in the person being pro-abortion (pro-murder), whether as a one-off or as a form of birth control. They also find themselves in support of hyper-sexualizing our children at an early age, which further contributes to an already lecherous society. Of course, the most obvious of the feminist tenants is to be anti-patriarchy, and more notably, anti-man. They reject the fulfillment of natural roles within society which horrendously pushes disorder and chaos within the feminist movement. 

Watching the way the left destroys EVERYTHING it takes under its wing never ceases to boggle my mind. The lack of intelligence and/or common sense of those who promote this new wave of feminism, the narcissism of those involved with such a movement, the staunch stance of which is unsustainable and contrary to science or history, and other nonsensical notions that fuel this movement are indicative of the lack of morality and rational thinking we see all too often. 

We need to do better in educating the younger generation on the role masculinity plays in society today. We should showcase the NEGATIVE effects of promoting the idea that masculinity is toxic. Most importantly, it is a MUST that we present clearly and concisely what happens when a man is stripped of his ‘manhood’ and why God’s arrangement for hierarchical structures in society is to be explicitly followed. 

It’s not difficult to understand the God-given role of a man as the provider and protector of the home, as he also maintains an orderly environment within such a place. He is to be the pillar of strength and authority within the family unit, as his wife is his foundational support and cares for the home and the family. The man is to love his wife with all that is within him, treating her as the queen of his life and loving her as he loves himself, while the woman is to submit to the husband in all ways, doing so in recognition of his leadership. In this way, the one hand washes the other, as the woman submits to her man – fully trusting, supporting, and honoring him, knowing she will be repaid in full for the love he will reign upon her head as he treats her as good as (if dare I say better) than he treats himself. He lives to embrace her, protect her, and love her, as he is commanded. This is the good and perfect dynamic between men and women.

However, such things are inverted, as what is being taught seeks to undo such perfect cohesion. These irreverent feminists seek to redefine womanhood and manhood as they try to upend society with their incoherent “hot takes” on the patriarchal structures that have forged entire nations since the dawn of time. The fall of our country is at hand due to the lack of “manly men,” which is of no concern to such people and often times celebrated by them as well.  They merely seek to do away with the male/female dynamic in a self-righteous, self-exalting crusade that negatively affects generation after generation. 

Thus, it is plain to see this present-day feminist movement has metastasized into a fully despicable, attention-seeking, lascivious, and promiscuous troop of shrill screaming banshees who are doing the devil’s work of fighting for the right to be immoral. Suppose society continues on this “woke” path of removing men from their rightful places as leaders and protectors. In that case, the damage of an irrevocable nature will be the story told for future generations to come. 

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- Former White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders