School Districts Across the Country Participate in BLM ‘Week of Action’

School districts across the country have agreed to implement the Black Lives Matter at School “Week of Action” from February 5 to February 9, coinciding with Black History Month.
In the Los Angeles Unified School District, participants were encouraged to show solidarity with black students and families by wearing all-black attire on Monday. The district, along with other major educational groups like the D.C. Area Educators for Social Justice and the Chicago Teachers Union, is actively participating in this week of action. Educators and teachers’ unions, including the National Education Association, have thrown their support behind the Black Lives Matter at School movement, urging educators nationwide to join in solidarity.
According to the D.C. Area Educators for Social Justice’s website, this year’s week of action has a theme of “centering and celebrating collective value.” Some activities include discussions on how to “teach and organize for racial justice.”
The Black Lives Matter at School Week of Action focuses on the thirteen guiding principles developed by the original organizers of Black Lives Matter. These include principles such as “restorative justice,” “globalism,” “queer affirming,” and “trans affirming.”
“We are self-reflexive and consistently do the work required to dismantle cisgender privilege. We hold space for our siblings who are agender, intersex, transgender, and gender expansive to participate and lead. We uplift Black trans folk, especially Black trans women who continue to be targeted and subjected to violence. We work outside of the binary to achieve full liberation,” the website explains under its “trans-affirming” principle.
When reading the Black Lives Matter at School initiatives, it is clear that this sort of “education” should be nowhere near children at school. On its website, the organization also refers to itself as “an act of resistance” and a “refusal to accept the ways that [black people] are perpetually dehumanized.” Clearly, this is part of an effort to indoctrinate students on left-wing racial talking points rather than providing an impartial education on history.