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Reallocating Police Funds Is Defunding The Police

Whenever someone says, we’re not defunding the police, we’re just ‘reallocating the resources’, or ‘redirecting funds'”, ladies and gentlemen, that is indeed defunding the police! Don’t let these Leftists try to fool you with their euphemistic expressions and semantic rhetoric. Their nefarious agenda is masked by their objective to confound and confuse citizens with ideas that are not their goal.

Here’s an example: I am working a job for which I am paid $100 an hour, and my boss comes to me and says, “Stephen, I need to let you know, we are going to ‘redirect’ $50 of your pay to a cause of our choosing.” Naturally, in a situation like this, I would say in response, “So what does that mean for me?” My boss then says, “Well, now you will be paid $50 an hour as opposed to your normal $100 an hour.” I take a step back, “So I am taking a pay cut?” Boss smiles and says, “Oh no, no, no! You’re not taking a pay cut! We’re just ‘redirecting your funds’; we’re just ‘reallocating your resources’ to another area!” I retort, “well, does that mean I am still getting my $100?” Boss says, “Of course not! You’re getting $50 now!” I conclude by stating, “Well, then that means I am taking a pay cut!”

You see, the point is I don’t care what kind of mumbo-jumbo, word-salad, semantic game this boss in this example would be trying to play with me, but what I know by way of common sense, deductive logic, and future evidentiary pay stubs I would be taking a pay cut!

This is the same exact principle when it comes to defunding the police. When someone says, “We’re not going to defund the police, we’re just going to ‘reallocate these resources’ that typically go to the police and put them towards social services!”, understand they are playing a semantic game with you in efforts to excuse away their heinous actions.

So when they try to play these word games with you in regards to their ridiculous desire to “defund the police,” make sure to ask them, “is (insert social service program) the police?” When they respond with “no,” retort by saying, “well, then you’re still basically defunding the police!” After doing so, be prepared for their inevitable yet timely response to give a convoluted defense of their twisted Leftist schemes.

Let me be clear and reiterate the fact that “reallocating resources” and “funds” are quite literally defunding the police. Understand what these words mean, as well as the definitive undertones being covered by the veneer of these euphemistic expressions. Recognize & realize the Left’s attempts to pull the wool over our eyes by trying to covertly sneak destructive ideologies into society, especially ones regarding law and order.

“I’m convinced that the work by Turning Point USA and Charlie Kirk will win back the future of America.”

- Donald J. Trump Jr.