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Investigation Reveals China’s Years-Long Takeover of the WHO

If you know me, you know I love monitoring Commie China. So just imagine my delight this week when I found out The Sunday Times investigated what the heck happened to the World Health Organization and found it to be exactly the kind of operation we patriots expected; a years-long coordinated plan to infiltrate and hollow out the organization.

I’m sorry, but the timing seems pretty sketchy when you consider how this all took place in the years leading up to COVID-19 and the WHO’s disastrous and failed “expertise” and leadership during the pandemic. In the release of the investigation, The Sunday Times said:

“An investigation by The Sunday Times today raises serious concerns that a major campaign by the Chinese state to secure influence over the WHO led the agency to blow the world’s only chance of stopping the COVID-19 pandemic.”

It’s all starting to make sense.

Here’s the early COVID-19 timeline provided by The Sunday Times:

  1. In 2017, the CCP used its financial and diplomatic muscle to support Tedros Adhanom, the Ethiopian foreign minister, to the top of the WHO’s power structure.
  2. In January 2020, China used everything in its power to cover up the COVID-19 outbreak. This included silencing whistleblowers, erasing any information from social media, and hiding evidence about the virus.
  3. Tedros ended up PRAISING China for “openness and transparency.” (???!!!!)
  4. On January 28th, 2020, The Sunday Times reported that Tedros “travels to Beijing for four weeks after first being warned about the pandemic and gives thanks to President Xi Jinping on behalf of the world for containing the COVID-19 virus in China,” even saying it is “rare leadership.”
  5. May-July 2020: Numerous nations demand Tedros investigate the origins of COVID-19. Tedros makes a secret deal in Beijing to rule out an investigation of any lab leak and instead focuses the investigation on China’s “theory” that COVID-19 was imported on frozen food.
  6. August-November 2020: The WHO allows China to veto who will be placed on the “expert” team of investigators trying to discover COVID’s origins. Instead, China vetos all American experts, bringing on Peter Daszak, a vocal advocate against the lab leak theory. The Sunday Times describes Daszak as a “collaborator with the Wuhan Institute of Virology.”

As I’m sure you can tell, the timeline gets worse by the month. The full story is available in the Sunday Times or on this great Twitter thread:

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