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How to Ruin a Holiday 101

Forget college professors! Welcome to my class on how to ruin a holiday step by step!

STEP 1: Make a holiday sound racist. Nobody wants to be the latest victim of cancel culture in today’s world, so everyone will avoid anything at ALL costs if it means they won’t be canceled. If you want to cancel something and ruin a holiday try to be as sensitive as you can and find some part of history that offends you.

STEP 2: Forget ALL good and focus on only the BAD. With the Holiday season coming around the corner, MSNBC commentators and other social justice warriors remind us that Thanksgiving is nothing more than ‘Colonizer Christmas’ and has nothing to do with being thankful and coming together as AMERICANS.

STEP 3: Make celebrating DANGEROUS. If you want to ruin a holiday, a great way to do it is to make the holiday dangerous. Thanks to certain unnamed governors, our holiday season is now DANGEROUS to you, your loved ones, and ALL of America. This is a very EFFECTIVE way of ruining everyone’s holiday season!

There you go! Now you know how to ruin this holiday season for you and everyone else that you love!

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- Senator Marsha Blackburn