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Honoring All “Indigenous Ways of Healing” – Minnesota Medical School’s Deranged Oath

The Hippocratic Oath got a serious rebrand. What was once a symbolic commitment to “do no harm,” now has just a few more nuances. The University of Minnesota Medical School (UMMS) held a white coat ceremony for all incoming, first-year medical students, an established tradition highlighting the responsibilities students will face when they become practitioners.

This version of the infamous oath however was not all good-faith promises or based in tradition, it was a lengthy, drawn out pledge to woke leftist doctrine.

“We are committed to uprooting the legacy and perpetuation of structural violence deeply imbedded within the healthcare system. We recognize the inequities build by past and present traumas rooted in white supremacy, colonialism, the gender binary, ableism, and all forms of oppression.”

Citing alleged past racism in climate initiatives and medicine, the professor led students in their commitment to not only actively fight against “white supremacy,” but also to upholding “all Indigenous ways of healing.”

“We pledge to honor all indigenous ways of healing that have been historically marginalized by western medicine, knowing that health in intimately connected to our environment, we committed to healing our planet and communities.”

Many Native American healing practices included pipe smoking rituals, animal tokens, and other ceremonial traditions that do not coincide with modern medicine.

We have however, adopted some aspects Native American healing methods, masks for example, were “worn by healers to frighten away the spirit causing the disease or pain.” They are, quite frightening.

Additionally, the UMMS oath began by apologizing for the school’s location on formerly Native American land, and by claiming that western medicine has done nothing more than marginalize an entire race of Indigenous people. Instead of of promising to be honest and act with integrity, they “commit to promoting a culture of anti-racism, listening and amplifying voices.” But it gets worse when the students swore to collaborate “with social, political, and additional systems to advance health equity.”

This isn’t a promise to behave in a moral way, always acting in the best interest of their patients, this is a promise to adhere to radical, culturally Marxist agendas. These are the future doctors of America, who will decide whether or not someone lives or dies, who will determine whether a child needs parental consent before undergoing life-changing procedures. Our colleges and institutions have been totally derailed by leftists who can’t even define the word “woman,” and we need to work to rebuke the lies and insanity at their core.

“I would have done anything to have Turning Point USA when I was your age, so it really is a true honor to be here today.”

- Former White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany