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Former Navy SEAL Chris Beck De-Transitions 10 Years after Sex-Change Surgery: ‘Destroyed My Life’

Photo of former Seal Team Six member Chris Beck before, left, and after becoming a woman. AP

Chris Beck was a part of the infamous SEAL Team 6, served in the Navy for 20 years, and was the recipient of a Purple Heart and Bronze Star in addition to 50 other medals and ribbons. In 2013, after he had retired from the military, Beck announced in his book that he had transitioned from male to female, he underwent sex-change surgery, and changed his name to Kristin Beck.

Now, nearly 10 years later, Beck has announced his de-transition, claiming that the process “destroyed” his life.

“Everything you see on CNN with my face, do not even believe a word of it.”

“Everything that happened to me for the last ten years destroyed my life. I destroyed my life. I’m not a victim. I did this to myself, but I had help.”

Chris Beck — Interview with Robby Starbuck

Like many who go through the medical transition process, Beck explained in an interview that he was placed on cross-hormone medication almost immediately after a single consultation. He also stated that some of the elective medical services he received were funded by Veterans Affairs, and apologized to the American people for using tax-payer funds in that way.

“Beck said that when he began transitioning, it took just an hour-long meeting at Veterans Affairs to be offered hormones. 

‘I walked into a psychologist’s office [and] in one day I have a letter in my hand saying I was transgender. I was authorized for hormones. I was authorized all this other stuff,’ Beck said.”

New York Post

Beck’s book, which was co-written by Anne Speckhard, explained that, “For years Chris had turned off his sexuality like a light switch and lived as a warrior, consumed with the battle — living basically asexual.” She continued, “even if he had wanted to entertain sexual thoughts, there really was never any time to be thinking too much about sexuality.” A large criticism of transgenderism, is that the individual’s desire to dress and act as the opposite sex in public is often a sexual fetish, rather than a legitimate illness, in which they truly believe they are or can become another gender.

“I was used … I was very naive, I was in a really bad way, and I got taken advantage of. I got propagandized. I got used badly by a lot of people who had knowledge way beyond me. They knew what they were doing. I didn’t.”

Chris Beck — Interview with Robby Starbuck

Most individuals who undergo medical transition also suffer from other mental illnesses such as bipolar disorder, depression, borderline personality disorder, or other challenge that significantly affects the decision making process. For that reason alone, many de-transitioners have begun to sue the medial practitioners who signed off on their transition, knowing that there is little evidence to support the claim that it will improve an individuals mental health.

In fact, the “evidence” hospitals use to support experimental “affirmative care” model is poorly executed surveys of a small sample group just three months after their transition surgery — rather than conducting the survey years after to assess levels of regret. Often times these surveys do not include individuals who have received “bottom surgeries” which are the most invasive, and require life-long follow-up care, medications, and sometimes subsequent surgeries.

Despite the fact that in reality, medical professionals do not have enough data to conclude what the long term and life long affects of these surgeries and medications will have, doctors still prescribe “puberty blockers” (luperon is the most popular drug, which is also used to chemically castrate pedophiles) and hormones to minors.

This medical experimentation of individuals who are suffering from mental illnesses, or are too young to have the ability to consent, and can easily be exploited for profit, in this case, by the greedy medical establishment, needs to end.

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