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Eventbrite CANCELLED My Shotgun Shooting Event

“Big Tech” is a phrase you hear about a lot these days, and most times, it doesn’t project the warm and fuzzies. Honestly, there are many really amazing things that technology has afforded our generation, and I couldn’t lead the life I lead without it. So with all of that being said, I am very grateful for the good parts, but I am becoming unbelievably at my wit’s end in the same breath. 

If you follow me on social media, you have probably heard my rants about how Facebook throttles my reach even when my engagement is going through the roof. As a matter of fact, some of the most engaged posts I make tend to get the least amount of distribution! The control they exercise to squash conservative thoughts is unbelievable. 

The new platform that has found its way on my crap list is Eventbrite. On August 28th, I am hosting a shotgun shooting sports expo with my good friend Clay Robertson at his family range, Elm Fork. Clay is a national champion shotgun shooting sports winner, and we are currently releasing a multi-part series where he teaches me the ins and outs of all the different games you can play. 

So to bring all of the content home, we are inviting each of you into the fun by hosting an event for you to experience what it’s all about. Naturally, I went to Eventbrite and set up a page with ALL the details, and not 48 hours after I had it up and published, I got a message outlining how our event was getting pulled because of the association with guns and anyone who bought a ticket was automatically refunded.

This happened a few days ago, and I still have not gotten a message, phone call, or email from a human at Eventbrite, and they have officially lost my business and respect. 

The show must go on, so I made a custom item within my website’s shopping cart, and we figured out a workaround! So even though BIG TECH SUCKS, we can still have fun in a safe place with trained professionals and smell gun powder all day long!

Get your tickets HERE and invite your friends!

“Charlie is leading the way with young people at Turning Point USA.”

- Kimberly Guilfoyle