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Baby Carrier Company Is The Latest Victim Of Cancel Culture

Extreme PC culture strikes again, and this time it’s coming after a… baby carrier company?

If you follow me on instagram, you know I’m pretty excited to have a lot of babies one day. So naturally, I follow a ton of accounts about families and kids, including a super cute business called Solly Baby.

(Side note: their stuff is SO cute that sometimes I have to convince myself to not buy their products and save them for a few years in some storage container in my closet).

I first started following them after I saw they sell adorable wraps where you can hold your newborn super close and stay stylish, even in workwear or dresses:

(Another side note: a small dream of mine is to hold my baby in one of these carriers with little noise cancelling headphones on as I give a speech on a stage all dressed up in my usual event attire. Gonna be great, I can sense it already!)

Okay, back to the story: Solly Baby recently released a “loop” style to hold older and heavier babies, and there was a bit of controversy in the comments section about if babies could fall out with the specific design. Here’s the new loop design:

So when I saw them post a dramatic apology, I assumed it had something to do with the design safety, but NO.

Here’s the post, and you HAVE to read the caption:

Part of their statement reads: “It’s been brought to our attention in past days that we’ve made several missteps throughout the launch of our Loop Carrier that have not only disappointed but regretfully even offended members of our BIPOC and babywearing communities.”

Wait a second… people were… offended by…. baby carrying wraps? WHY?!

Welp, it looks like they scrubbed the negative comments featuring the complaints, but after doing some digging, I realized it’s because members of the “BIPOC and babywearing communities” (what?) were OFFENDED because proper credit wasn’t given to women from other cultures who used a similar technique to carry their babies.

Are we really going here? Motherhood and the act of carrying and holding children is a tale as old as time, it’s literally been around since the beginning of humankind!

What does this mean moving forward? With every product sold, will we now be held accountable and “cancelled” for not giving proper credit to the original groups throughout history who founded the idea, invention, or practice?

This seems like a slippery and dangerous road to be on, and I’m sad to see a cute, innocent baby company apologizing to the mob for creating a wrap holder.

“Turning Point USA’s commitment to the fight for freedom on campus is more important now than ever.”

- Senator Marco Rubio, Florida