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Thanks to the support of 400,000 grassroots patriots, Turning Point USA reaches and impacts millions of students on campus and online. Please consider joining our cause with a tax deductible gift today!


A Diverse SAS Sans Identity Politics

Liberals love identity politics. Conservatives love freedom regardless of identity.  What is identity politics? According to, “[I]dentity politics is the act of targeting groups of people for political gain based on some common demographic.”  So, the Left uses various racial, social, or gender groups in a manipulative way to advance its own agendas. That’s why the Left incessantly boasts about the first Black President or the first Indian woman in space and even the first transgender federal official.   

At SAS 2021, everyone with whom I spoke commented on the crowd’s diversity. There was no talk of identity politics, just people of every walk of life seeking to make their lives better and to allgin with like minded (not like looking) people.  The crowd was diverse, not because conservatives pander to faces of color, but because freedom is a reality that every free thinker wants.  

Liberals use identity politics to buy diversity. Conservatives offer freedom which attracts diversity.  

SAS 2021 was an amazing celebration of self-expression, self-reliance and self-acceptance. Conservative diversity has been silenced for too long. Events like SAS are a massive step forward in broadcasting our diversity and strength.  

“Turning Point USA is one of the greatest student organizations that we have in America that is fighting for Western ideals.”

- Candace Owens