10 Dead from Mass-Stabbing in Canada, Where Nearly All Firearms are Illegal

Two men went on a mass-stabbing spree in Canada’s province of Saskatchewan, 10 were pronounced dead, and 19 were injured following the horrific incident. Canada’s law prohibits using firearms for self-defense, and prevents individuals from carrying firearms on their person, with very few exceptions.
Canada’s Royal Mounted Police explanation reads, “If you want to request authorization to carry a handgun or restricted long gun for a lawful occupational purpose, you must obtain an Authorization to Carry (ATC) from the Canadian Firearm Program.”
In fact, Justin Trudeau, Canada’s Prime Minister, said earlier this year that Canadian citizens do not even have the human right to use a firearm for self protection. According to the Prime Minister, Canadians can use firearms for hunting, range/target practice — just not to save their own lives.
Whenever individuals or groups push for restrictions on firearms, the goal is always to prevent violence against the innocent in the community. But human nature is not always intrinsically good; there has been and always will be violence. Removing firearms from law-abiding citizens creates a power vacuum, in which criminals now have the upper-hand to commit atrocities using illegally trafficked firearms, or like in this scenario, other weapons such as knives. Disarming a ‘Good Samaritan’ might cost lives, and in the case it very likely did.
The best way to prevent tragic events like this would be to implement strict sentencing for criminals and allow law-abiding citizens to defend themselves and their loved ones.
The victims of the mass-stabbing were scattered around 13 different locations in Saskatchewan. My heart goes out to the families who lost loved ones, as well as those who were injured in the horrific attack.

Royal Canadian Mounted Police via AP