Here’s Why Openly Sharing Vaccine Status Is Bad For Our Health, Society
Whether you’re left, right, middle, pro or anti-vaccine, you should stop talking about it so much. I understand we get bored and run out of things to discuss. We must go back to traffic and the weather because the incessant talking about our Covid-19 vaccines is a slippery slope. Here’s why:
Our medical information should be private. When we freely blab about our vaccination status at work, school or in the gym, it normalizes these kinds of discussions.
Normalization leads to more invasion. What’s next? Your employer has the right to ask you about your weight, blood pressure, pregnancy status or something far more medically invasive or embarrassing?
Publicly talking about private medical information should be seen as inappropriate. Don’t openly share yours. When asked about it or pressured to discuss it, politely decline. Say something like, “I do not discuss my personal medical information with anyone other than my medical provider. Thank you.”
Let’s work to normalize privacy. We have been fed the slogan “My Body My Choice” for years. That should apply here as well.