Drugs And Human Trafficking Rampant At The Southern Border

Everyone is mad that Vice President Kamala Harris hasn’t gone to the border yet, BUT people aren’t just angry that Vice President Harris isn’t doing her job; there are, in fact, ACTUAL reasons to be upset.
Despite contrary belief on the Left, this isn’t about politics; it’s about REALITY.
The REALITY is that drugs and human trafficking are rampant because there is ZERO legitimate work being done at our southern border, and there is no protection at our southern border.
While the Left attempts to paint this as a “Humanitarian Crisis” that past administrations have ‘failed to fix’…. the issue NOW is that they are IGNORING the issue altogether.
In April (yes, THIS past April), the border patrol in Texas captured seized 6,496 pounds of Fentanyl….
Okay, so what? That’s not a whole lot, right???
Want to guess how many pounds of Fentanyl can kill someone?
Roughly .0000033 pounds of Fentanyl is all it takes to rip someone of human life.
Well, if you’re better at math than I am, you would know that the amount of Fentanyl seized (IN JUST APRIL) could kill 1,473,000,000 people. WOW!
How’s that for your humanitarian crisis??? These drugs could wipe out EVERYONE; talk about a pandemic….
Ladies and gentlemen, that’s REAL. In fact, officials at the border CLEARLY state that the amount of people that could die is literally unfathomable!
Yet the current White House is touring around America, such as my home in South Carolina, and AVOIDING the crisis at hand. AVOIDING IT COMPLETELY!
The time for AVOIDING is over. This isn’t about photo-ops; it’s about HUMAN LIVES. AMERICAN LIVES!
The more the Vice President sits around touring the U.S., the more drugs cross over, and the larger this border crisis gets.
We need change like NOW.