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Cartoon Network Is Indoctrinating Our Children

As a weekend treat, I let my seven-year-old son watch Cartoon Network. As we sat down, I didn’t realize that we would be watching a horror movie. Not in a literal sense of the word, but in terms of indoctrination.

The first time I saw the commercial, my jaw hit the floor. I knew that they would play it again, so I had my phone ready. I was right; less than 15 minutes later, I witnessed a full-on propaganda attack. It was well over a minute long.

During a kid’s TV program, the lengthy commercial showed children talking about “climate change” and nonsense statements like having eight years left until the world ends and how they should start protesting. Yes, PROTEST. One of the videos even showed a child skipping school. It basically looked like the children were sleeping on a park bench.

This is terribly upsetting because there are so many environmental falsehoods contained in the video.  This is nothing more than the indoctrination of children.  

What happened to parents deciding what was best for their children? What happened to family decisions? Instead, we have the Cartoon Network feeding our children their “family values.” 

This is wrong, immoral and unacceptable. Stay tuned, expect backlash directed toward the Cartoon Network.

“I want to congratulate Turning Point because you’re creating a change that will affect us for decades.”

- Rudy Giuliani