Woke Schools Should Condemn Hamas Or Be Seen As Hypocrites
All year, woke, leftist schools have constantly been speaking about social justice. They have been aggressively pushing for anti-discrimination measures. Emails were sent, conference calls were scheduled, books were suggested, therapy was recommended, math was forgotten, science was secondary and writing was unimportant. They believed children would learn nothing until we solved these problems. It was social justice ABOVE.ALL.ELSE. Now, the only Jewish state in the world is under attack. Not just by the terrorist organization, Hamas but by Anti-Semitic citizens, politicians, journalists and news organizations. Where are the woke, leftist schools?
They are silent. The 30, 40, even 50 thousand dollars a year schools are saying nothing about the plight of the Jews in Israel. They are silent because it doesn’t fit the narrative. You see, if they speak up about racial justice, they virtue signal that they care about minorities. It’s quite clever actually: if you are really loud and really aggressive, you don’t have to actually DO anything. You can simply talk about doing something to achieve moral superiority. Why? Because racial justice is the only justice that matters. Jewish justice is irrelevant. It is acceptable to speak out against Jews and Israel. Anti-Semitism is often tolerated. So the same schools that loudly preached justice and equality are silent. Remember that. Do NO forget this hypocrisy, like many have forgotten the Holocaust.