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Wichita State Students Call For School Senator’s Resignation Over Women’s History Month Post

Students are calling for the punishment and resignation of a student government senator for including me in a women’s history month post highlighting a number of diverse women.

On Wednesday, March 24th, I received a message from Olivia Gallegos, the President of the Turning Point USA Chapter and a senator in the student government at Wichita State University in Kansas. She informed me of a post by the student government receiving major backlash for including me in a post highlighting women for women’s history month:

From the looks of it, it’s just a basic post highlighting different women, each selected by a different senator. The mere inclusion of a conservative personality in the post enraged the small, but loud minority of leftists on campus:

I’m fine with online attacks. Honestly, it’s energizing to see people with hammer and sickles in their bios hate on me so hard. I must be doing something right. BUT I draw the line and decide to step in when it goes from mere social media attacks to trying to harm innocent people, like Olivia, in real life.

On top of calling for the post to be removed, students began actively targeting Olivia for daring to include me in the post to begin with, including accusing her of sabotage and now calling for her punishment and resignation.

One student, Aaron Arriaga, tweeted:

Arrigo later also tweeted: “Also f*** @oliviaggallegos for supporting a nazi and thinking it would be a good idea to make other folks fearful to be in the SGA, @WichitaStateSGA yall need to make her resign or get the f*** out.”

Arrigo’s tweet calling for resignation was liked by student senator, Aaron Mounts, who’s account has a communist hammer and sickle by his name:

In response to the attacks, Olivia released the following statement:

 “The Diversity, Empowerment, and Inclusion Committee of the Wichita State SGA asked each member to submit a global woman to highlight for Women’s History Month. I chose to highlight Morgan Zegers and followed the instructions set forth to do so. My selection and bio on her was approved as it ended up being posted on social media. Since the post on Wednesday, I have received an email requesting I resign from my position as a Senator and member of the DEI committee. There has also been an influx of students on Twitter who have been offended by my choice in highlighting Morgan.”

Lila Kohler, a senator in the student government with Olivia, posted:

As a senator at WSU-SGA; and a member of the DEI committee this post deeply ashamed me. I am extremely disappointed and saddened that a senator in my committee would choose to promote a figure who publicly spreads hate, racism, and misinformation. I can not imagine how hurtful and upsetting that was for our students/ staff that come from multiple minority groups. As a member of the SGA and the DEI committee I apologize immensely for the inappropriate behavior of this senator. I know it is hard to believe after something like this happens but please know the actions of this senator do not reflect the views/ feelings of the DEI committee or WSU-SGA. I hope this senator is held accountable for their actions immediately.

As for what you can all do to help, this is a perfect moment for us to show we are UNCANCELLABLE. When one of our own stands up to the totalitarian leftist mob, we must protect and defend them.

We cannot let a dozen angry, radical leftists (many with communist hammer and sickles in their bio) get an innocent conservative student to resign from student government just for daring to include a conservative women in a post highlighting women for women’s history month. This is asinine.

HERE’S HOW YOU CAN STAND WITH OLIVIA: Email the Wichita State Student Government Association letting them know that you are against the punishment of Olivia Gallegos, and that it’s okay to share and celebrate the diversity of thought.


“I’m convinced that the work by Turning Point USA and Charlie Kirk will win back the future of America.”

- Donald J. Trump Jr.