CEO of National Rifle Association
CEO of National Rifle Association
Wayne LaPierre
Wayne LaPierre has served as the executive vice president and chief executive officer of the National Rifle Association of America since 1991.
For more than two decades, Wayne has led the NRA through a period of unprecedented membership growth and political clout in defense of our Second Amendment rights. This increased power has been directed to the benefit of NRA members and gun owners. In large part because of Wayne’s leadership, Right-to-Carry is now the law in more than 40 states. Forty-nine states have enacted laws to protect shooting ranges and all 50 passed legislation to protect hunters from harassment.
As a skilled hunter, from Chesapeake waterfowl to African Cape buffalo, Wayne understands the key role hunters play in wildlife conservation. Over the years, he has led NRA efforts to preserve the integrity of the Pittman-Robertson Act, spearheaded NRA programs for young shooters and hunters, and fought for the access of sportsmen and women—including the disabled—to public lands for hunting.
As NRA’s principal spokesperson, Wayne is regularly quoted, debated and interviewed on the nation’s most influential television networks, cable programs, radio shows and in national and global newspapers and magazines.
With a visionary understanding of the vital role of communications in spreading a message of Second Amendment freedom, Wayne has worked to ensure that NRA remains on the cutting edge of communications technology. To this end he established NRATV, offering the world’s most comprehensive coverage of Second Amendment issues.
NRATV now broadcasts 24/7, bringing live news, commentary and lifestyle coverage on a wide range of Second Amendment topics, all managed by professional journalists, to report issues related to the Second Amendment directly to NRA members and the American public.
To promote the enjoyment of the shooting sports and the fun of safe firearms use, Wayne launched NRA Sports. Hundreds of thousands of new shooters and gun owners have been reached through the program, and today, more people take part in the shooting sports than those who fish, golf or play soccer.
Wayne is also a successful author. His latest book, The Global War on Your Guns: Inside the U.N. Plan to Destroy the Bill of Rights, exposes the worldwide movement to undermine and destroy American firearm freedoms. His previous books include Guns, Freedom and Terrorism; Shooting Straight; and Guns, Crime and Freedom, which reached #11 on The New York Times best-seller list in 1994.
Wayne’s commitment to preserving Second Amendment freedoms extends to those safeguarded by the First Amendment. He has been a key strategist in opposing congressional efforts to restrict the ability of Americans to express their views during elections and is committed to the restoration and preservation of free speech for all Americans.
Backed by NRA’s 5 million active members, Wayne has led NRA efforts to restore the relevance and sanctity of the Second Amendment. Today, this right continues to be preserved by freedom’s largest, strongest and most devoted grassroots organization.