TPUSA’s Ohio BLEXIT Chapter Partners with MGM to Host Back-to-School Supply Giveaway

Turning Point USA’s BLEXIT chapter in Ohio partnered with Making Good Music (MGM) to host a back-to-school backpack and supply giveaway for young students in the area!
This event promoted BLEXIT’s core values by advocating for school choice and alternative education opportunities for low-income and minority students, and by developing programs that will inspire these children to succeed and lead productive, responsible lives.
The event was hosted in Toledo, Ohio, where 35% of residents are of a racial minority background. TPUSA’s local BLEXIT chapter provided these families in need with the necessary supplies for their children to succeed in school while promoting the importance of educational programs grounded in history, patriotism, and faith.
More than 40 people across all age groups attended the event where they enjoyed games, music, crafts, community, and positive companionship.

Parents and caretakers who brought their children to the event expressed that they were impressed with and impacted by BLEXIT’s mission and message. Many of them became members on the spot and volunteered to serve in leadership positions!
Karla Butler, BLEXIT Ohio Assistant State Director, recalled, “There was also one particular young lady, possibly around 12 years old, and after receiving her backpack, supplies, and listening to me speak with the other kids about BLEXIT, she came up, hugged me and said, ‘Thank you so much, I love you.’”
It brought tears to my eyes,” Butler added. “[O]ne never really knows how much you touch someone when you’re walking in faith.”

The event had an incredible impact on the local community, and we are grateful for the partnership and volunteers who made it all possible. MGM Band generously presented BLEXIT with an award following the event, which we are incredibly humbled to accept!

Turning Point USA’s BLEXIT (“black-exit”) initiative was established to empower all by abolishing the victimhood mentality that holds many back from pursuing freedom and obtaining the American Dream.