Teacher’s Union Could Get a HUGE check…

It should be one of America’s HIGHEST priorities to open our schools “ASAP, as possible,” as Michael Scott says.
However, this is not how our inefficient government works.
Our government wants to increase our national debt and dump a 1.9 TRILLION DOLLAR “stimulus package” into the American economy.
That sounds great, right?
As an American citizen it is our job to look a little deeper.
When you look a little deeper into this plan, you will find some “interesting” funding to some rather “interesting” groups.
One of these “interesting” groups is the teachers union.
“But Graham, you don’t want to fund teachers???”, you may ask.
I love our teachers. They are warriors and possibly the most influential people in our country.
I don’t have a problem with the teachers. I have a problem with the teachers union who FIGHTS to keep schools closed and kids uneducated.
The teachers union is LITERALLY fighting to keep schools closed and teach kids in their “Zoom Classrooms.”
NEWSFLASH: Zoom education isn’t as good as REAL EDUCATION.
Back to the COVID-19 stimulus package…
In this package, the government wants to give 10 MILLION DOLLARS to the teachers union.
Yep, the government is ACTUALLY trying to fund a group that wants to STAY CLOSED.
It literally makes ZERO sense for the government to give money to a group that doesn’t want to WORK.
Not only is this A LOT of money, but it’s not even going to a pro-active group.
I’d rather this funding go toward COVID relief that goes into ACTUAL relief and not anti-education advocacy.
It just makes sense.