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NHS Says Trans-Identifying Adolescents may be in ‘Transient’ Phase, Advocates Against Early Social Transitioning

Following a lawsuit filed in August against the largest gender clinic in the UK, The Tavistock Center, due to alleged negligible treatment of gender-dysphoric children, England’s NHS has changed its tune in regard to transgender care for minors.

The National Health Service (NHS) recently proposed new guidelines for physicians treating gender-dysphoria in minors which directly oppose new the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) guidelines also released this year. The differences in the standards of care outlined by each organization are significant.

NHS recognized that minors, especially pre-pubescent minors, who are experiencing symptoms of gender-dysphoria may be in a “transient” stage, and even advocated against social transitioning, as this can have serious mental health consequences down the line.

“The clinical approach has to be mindful of the risks of an inappropriate gender transition and the difficulties that the child may experience in returning to the original gender role upon entering puberty if the gender incongruence does not persist into adolescence.”


Additionally, the NHS states what many children’s rights activists have been claiming for months, “in most prepubertal children, gender incongruence does not persist into adolescence.” According to their research, most children experiencing gender confusion in early life grow out of it. WPATH guidelines however, are created by “medical professionals” who directly and financially benefit from early transition. The guidance offered by WPATH removed age limits on various medical interventions, and recommend immediate social transition for children of any age, even as young as two or three years old.

WPATH also advocates for harmful practices such as chest binding and “tucking,” which frequently cause severe health consequences from rib or pelvic fractures, respiratory diseases, infection and more. The radical guidelines are adopted by most every major medical institution in America which provides “gender-affirming care.”

The NHS guidelines also prevent doctors from prescribing puberty blockers to adolescents under 18 years old, effectively ending the sterilization practice all together, except for specific circumstances such as clinical trials.

Tavistock’s willingness to prescribe medications such as puberty blockers and hormone therapy to children after extremely short consultations changed the affirmative care conversation in the UK. The children treated at the center were allegedly coerced and rushed into treatment without a full and complete understanding of the life-altering repercussions to follow, which is why over 1,000 families filed a class-action lawsuit to end the barbaric procedures.

In the US, hospitals in Boston, Tennessee, Washington DC, and elsewhere have been heavily scrutinized for similar actions. The formerly prestigious Vanderbilt Medical Center was even exposed for increasing the number of “gender-affirming” surgeries offered because of how financially profitable they prove to be.

“These surgeries make a lot of money . . . a patient just on routine hormone treatment who I’m only seeing a few times a year can bring in sever thousand dollars . . . $20,000 for a vaginoplasty . . . this has to be a gross underestimate . . . $20,000 for a phalloplasty, there’s been different things that I have read that say it could be up to $100,000.”

TPUSA — Dr. Shayne Taylor, Vanderbilt Medical Center

Many Americans however, still fail to recognize the human rights violation occurring to helpless and innocent children at this time. President Biden recently invited transgender activist Dylan Mulvaney, a biological male parading himself around as a woman, to the White House for a private interview. In this interview President Biden claimed to support the medical transitioning for minors, and said that states withholding “treatment” are in the wrong.

Medical institutions in the states will hopefully follow example set by the NHS, especially considering the escalating political pressure being placed on institutions to halt all gender-affirming care for minors.

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