Nearly One Thousand Conservatives Celebrated Freedom At TPUSA’s 2021 Block Party

Everyone at TPUSA HQ this weekend will tell you—THE 2021 BLOCK PARTY WAS THE BOMB!
I got to meet Charlie’s Gen Free fans, Isabel’s Frontlines fans, and Alex’s POPlitics fans—but I also was so excited to meet all my MAGA HULK FANS!
This past Saturday, TPUSA supporters and student activists from all over the country descended upon our Phoenix headquarters for an incredible evening celebrating the conservative movement that WILL NOT be stopped! The Left has another thing coming if any radicals think they’re going to win this culture war! TPUSA’s young conservative activists are on FIRE with passion, truth, and support from being part of the TPUSA movement!
NEARLY ONE THOUSAND people celebrated freedom, got to see all the magic that happens at TPUSA HQ, took pictures with all my fellow contributors and me, had some great food, listened to awesome musical performances, and had a BLAST with the field games! I KNOW I’m going to see some familiar faces again at the 2022 Block Party because of how great a time we all had this year!
You know what the weekend also made me think? Think about ALL the LIES espoused by the radical Left—that whites and blacks hate each other, that conservatives are racist, and that our student movement is nothing but a den of fascists. IT’S ALL LIES! But more than just saying it—the TRUTH WAS SEEN this weekend! TPUSA’s Investor Retreat attendees, Southwest Regional Conference students, and the Young Latino Leadership Conference students all converged at TPUSA’s Block Party… Folks of all colors and backgrounds—white, black, Hispanic, Asian, Middle Eastern, and so many others—all came together to celebrate one thing: BEING PROUD AMERICANS!
TPUSA is on to something BIG with how I saw people from all walks of life come together this weekend to celebrate what makes America the greatest place on Earth!
Check out my video recap about some of my favorite conversations with the conservative activists who were in attendance this weekend, PLUS some photos of the event below:

The Left can keep on hatin’ on the good thing we have going. But we at TPUSA are having a BLAST saving America one rally, one chapter, one big block party at a time. My conservative brothers and sisters from all walks of life and from all backgrounds have one thing in common with me—we want to SAVE America because we LOVE America! You can’t save what you don’t love! And you know what else? Not only do I love America—I love SAVING America too! The more the Left fights us, the more the MAGA HULK and TPUSA are going to push back!
Keep on keepin’ on, my fellow TPUSA brothers and sisters!
I’ll see you at next year’s TPUSA Block Party!