Why is Israel so Controversial?

Merely mentioning the country of Israel tends to spark debate on both sides of the aisle in America. On occasion, the left and some elements of the right can, in eerie fashion, agree on and encourage the destruction of Israel. The notion that Israel should not exist gives credence to terrorist organizations like Hamas despite their constant attacks on the sovereign nation. Violent, barbarian groups target civilians living in Israel by firing rockets into the country from Gaza, digging tunnels to try and infiltrate the country, and by smuggling in vicious armed terrorists into Israel for the sole purpose of inflicting mass carnage. Being against Israel simply means being in favor of Hamas’ bid for terror. Their bloodthirsty aggression isn’t aimed just at the Israeli armed forces, but at all civilians living in the county.
Americans seem to be blind to the fact that Hamas is the aggressor in this conflict, Israel has always and still wants peace in the region. Civilians and military members in the country alike desire to live in harmony, but the reality of the situation prevents that possibility. The problem stands that many people in America pick sides based off of shoddy information, rumors, and passion-driven speeches like that of Congresswoman Illhan Omar. The fast-paced society we live in daily leaves little time to dig into a topic before making a specific assertion one way or the other.
The atrocities inflicted on the Israeli people by terrorist organizations attempting to flood in from surrounding countries should not be overlooked or downplayed. These people live with the constant knowledge that their country could be under attack at any moment. No American has ever needed to accept that reality, and honestly cannot wrap their heads around that fact. So many are more than happy to put a Ukrainian flag in their Instagram bio to show solidarity, but are quick to judge Israel based off of the little knowledge they have of the nation, its people, or its history.
Americans who claim to be good, moral people should not neglect the horrific actions of Hamas, we cannot ignore the blatant disregard for human, civilian life. It is incumbent on us to support the defense of the civilians of the people of Israel, for their desire to create peace and prosperity in the most war-stricken part of the globe.