Utah Family Shares Their Life at Ballerina Farm on Instagram
I’ll get a little more personal for this message to you guys today. Usually my content in the political work I do heavily focuses on history, economics, and current events. But we are in the culture wars, baby, which is why I’ve decided to share my secret favorite Instagram account that provides me DAILY inspiration on how to live out my values as a Conservative:
Meet Ballerina Farm, the best social media page in existence:
Hannah, a ballerina and graduate from Juilliard School, and her husband grew up in the city but decided to transition their family to homesteading in the mountains of Utah. Their Instagram highlights daily activities the family partakes in.
Ranch life:
Recipes made by Hannah in her kitchen:
Their boys competing in the rodeo:
And so much more!
Here’s the website for their actual farm, including products for sale like clothing, kitchen utensils, lard, and a monthly meat box subscription.
I love this page because it’s a perfect example of a strong and independent family living out their values and dreams. You should definitely go hit them with a follow!