The Left’s Definition of Healthy is Killing Women
Almost an ENTIRE YEAR into the global COVID pandemic, leftist Cosmopolitan magazine featured this cover on their February issue:

By medical standards, this woman is obese. By fashion magazine standards, she’s “healthy.” Shouldn’t we be promoting TRUE standards of health during a global pandemic to keep ourselves and loved ones safe? A massive study from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention recently found that severe obesity raises the risk of Covid hospitalization and death. So why is Cosmopolitan promoting a lifestyle that is dead wrong when it comes to staying healthy and Covid free?
The study, conducted by researchers at the CDC, examined roughly 150,000 patients at over 200 hospitals found severely obese individuals were 33 percent more likely to be hospitalized and 61 percent more likely to die than those at a healthy weight.
The results of this study are cause for alarm and are particularly concerning and upsetting during these times. In light of this knowledge, the fact that Cosmopolitan and the leftist mainstream media have been relentlessly pushing the narrative that women’s bodies are perfect at ANY size is an example of extreme gas-lighting. Frankly, their mission to pander to all women is killing women.
These hypocritical-leftists go around spouting, “Trust the science!” Well, their definition of “healthy” is clearly not based on science. Cosmopolitan, you may be harming those very women you are trying to affirm with your rhetoric. Unless you want to deprive this world of mothers, grandmothers, aunts and sisters, you need to change your tune.