Taliban to Hold an Oath Ceremony Tomorrow, On 9/11 Anniversary
News sources report that Afghan Taliban terrorists intend to host a “welcoming ceremony” on 9/11 for its interim government for what they call the Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan (IEA). This day also marks the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks in the U.S. in 2001.
As the wife of a 9/11 survivor, the fact that the Taliban is holding a celebration on our somber 20th anniversary, I am disgusted. This sham terrorist government has invited Iran, China, and Russia. That should be a clear statement of intent. On this day, our media should give full focus to those who lost their lives. Instead, they will be forced to cover a celebration of terrorism. Our Liberal leaders are entirely to blame for this shameful atrocity.
My heart goes out to all of those people who lost a father, a wife, a son, or a niece. I’m sorry for the people that didn’t get to celebrate a birthday, a wedding, or graduation ever again.
I cherish every moment with my family, but none of them are taken for granted. The anniversary of this tragedy makes it even more clear.