Riley Gaines To Speak At TPUSA’s Annual Young Women’s Leadership Summit

Turning Point USA is excited to announce that Independent Women’s Forum Spokesperson Riley Gaines will be a featured speaker at this year’s Young Women’s Leadership Summit!
Riley Gaines was an NCAA champion in swimming during her senior year at the University of Kentucky. During her final meet, she tied for 5th place with transgender “female” swimmer, Lia Thomas. Thomas was given the trophy instead of Gaines because the NCAA wanted to ensure that the decision on who received the honor wasn’t rooted in “transphobia.”
During this championship meet, the female competitors were asked to share a locker room, which was also used by Thomas, who still maintained all the physical traits of a male. She spoke about this experience in an emotional video, explaining how inappropriate it is to force women to share such a private space with a biological male.
Since first speaking up for exclusivity in women’s sports, Gaines has faced an onslaught of hate from transgender activists and the progressive community. After speaking to the Turning Point USA chapter at San Francisco State University last week, Gaines was ambushed and assaulted by a mob of activists who verbally harassed her and forced her into a small room on campus where she was barricaded in for hours.
She has exposed radical activists for who they truly are, and has become increasingly vocal as she speaks out against the violence, hatred, and total take-over being launched on female sports. Gaines has been paving the way for more women to speak up against the erasure of female-exclusive spaces, and we are thrilled that she will be joining the growing list of conservative women who will inspire our audience to be bold in what they believe in and know is right.
YWLS exists to provide encouragement and community to young women and will give attendees the tools necessary to effectively communicate hot-button topics like transgenderism, racism, feminism, and more from a conservative viewpoint.
If you are interested in attending the Young Women’s Leadership Summit, Register Now, and join hundreds of conservative women aiming to change the popular cultural narrative.
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