Prisoners Released Early Due To COVID-19 Don’t Want To Go Back To Prison

The breaking news headline from a recent article I read stated that prisoners released during the COVID-19 pandemic don’t want to go back to prison. Why is this “breaking news?” Did you really think in a place like New York City, releasing thousands of prisoners back into society, then having to round up these inmates back up to bring them back to prison was going to be easy?
When this proposition landed on former President Trump’s desk, he objected to it; however, other officials like New York Mayor Bill de Blasio proceeded to move forward with state orders to release inmates to prevent COVID spread in prisons.
Personally, I’m more concerned about prisoners being released early than I am about COVID-19. Is that just me? Am I the only one who feels this way? And NOW, these Leftists are urging President Biden to allow inmates to stay at home as a way to start transforming our criminal justice system. WHAT! They want more criminals to have the opportunity to stay home and transform themselves instead of going to prison. Being at your own home doesn’t seem like a punishment to me. Interesting right?
Let me know what you think about New York having a 97% increase in shootings and a 44% increase in murders recently and if you would feel safe having inmates released before their time in prison is up. The utter absurdity of the Left never ceases to astound me!