Philadelphia Gender Clinic Unethically Performed Transition Surgeries on Minors

The gender clinic at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) has performed multiple gender transition procedures on minors with little evidence to back up the theory that medically transitioning children is in any way beneficial to the child.
An email exchange between Nadia Dowshen, co-founder of the CHOP gender clinic and Rachel Levine, (formally Richard Levine) the transgender Assistant Secretary for Health and Human Services, recently exposed by Megan Brock, reveals how little information the clinic was operating with while performing these treatments.
Dowshen received an email from Levine asking if there is any “literature to support” a protocol urging gender dysphoric minors to medically transition. The exchange took place in 2017, well before the majority of the country was aware of the horrific and experimental treatments being prescribed to minors.
“Hi Rachel, I’m not aware of existing literature but it is certainly happening. I think we’ve had more than 10 patients who have had chest surgery under 18 (as young as 15) and 1 bottom surgery (17).”
Nadia Dowshen — CHOP gender clinic co-founder
“In her email to Levine, Dowshen cites yet-to-be-published research by child-transition enthusiast Joanna Olson-Kennedy, which she claimed shows a ‘decrease in chest dysphoria’ for minors post surgery as well as ‘no regret in the under 18 crowd.'”
The Post Millennial
Olson-Kennedy appears to be radically in favor of transitioning minors, and claims that there is rarely any regret felt after patients have undergone transition surgeries. In recent years, that claim has become increasingly disproven, as more and more de-transitioners speak up about the pain medical transitioning caused them. Many are beginning to sue hospitals and “care-providers” for allowing them to make permanent physical alterations to their bodies while clearly under great mental distress or battling mental illness.
“Olson-Kennedy’s study, like all others that claim to show amputating healthy body parts in the name of gender is acceptable practice, is flawed in that it only followed up most of the participants for two years or less post-surgery.”
The Post Millennial
Medical professionals like Olson-Kennedy try to sway public opinion by siting studies like the one recently released by Northwestern Medicine, which claims that, “top surgeries” (double-mastectomies) generally improve feelings of gender dysphoria. The problem is, the study only tracks post-operation emotions for three months, an incredibly short amount of time after undergoing a life changing procedure.
“What we need to know is how do they feel after a year, and how do they feel after five years, and how do they feel after 10 years? Then you’ve got something statistically significant, and you’ve got some serious data that you can actually shape your clinical care around.“
“Sadly, the affirmative model is only 10 years old, so we don’t have any long-term data.”
“We don’t know what the impact of a mastectomy is on a 14-year-old. We don’t know what they’re like when they’re 24 because there isn’t any data to show us.”
Stella O’Malley — psychotherapist and founder of Genspect
These surgeries and treatments are all experimental, nothing like this has ever been done on such a large scare, especially not to children. It is unthinkable, but hospitals are in fact treating minors like lab rats because the payout is substantial for them, that is until they end up with hundreds of malpractice lawsuits, which are already starting to filter through.