Op-Ed by Sean Feucht: Dear Disney, Parents Are Fed Up
Walt Disney was right when he said, “Our greatest natural resource is the minds of our children,” which is why it is imperative that we as parents fiercely protect that resource. However profound, we as parents have a commission far greater than a quip by a cartoonist.
The Bible instructs parents to, “Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he grows older he will not abandon it.” But the left believes they know better than us, and they are scheming to wrestle that responsibility out of our hands by any means necessary.
By enlisting Disney in their fight to sexualize children, the left has once again awakened the greatest political force — parents. We’ve had enough. We’re fed up, and we’re fighting back.
Across America — parents are standing up. An overbearing liberal governor in Virginia shut parents out of oversight and demonized their concerns about the horrible indoctrination being taught in classrooms. Fortunately, he was promptly voted out of office. The people had spoken. Then in Florida, Governor Ron DeSantis signed legislation to protect children in the classroom. More states are following Florida’s lead.
Disney can entertain our children, and they have for decades. I want that. Other parents want that. But Disney is way out of line by enabling those who fight to sexualize our children. Disney should be a safe place for children, a place parents can trust, but Disney has severely lost their way.
If you were to only read the blue check-marks on Twitter, and the mainstream media outlets, you would think that the legislators and parents pushing to stop Disney and other woke corporations from sexualizing our kids are a small minority.
But the reality is that there is a silent majority in America who are fed up. It started years ago, but the COVID lockdowns shined a bright light on the control the “expert class” is desperately trying to hold over Americans. We now see the so-called experts were wrong about many things, and the lockdowns damaged many of our children. The CDC finally admitted recently that the pandemic severely impacted the mental health of our kids.
Never again should we let a woke minority try to run our lives. The people have the power, not the government. It’s time to stand up, and it starts at our kitchen tables and in our churches.
We as parents have not yet begun to fight. Disney will feel it in their earnings reports, teachers will feel it in the classrooms, and anyone who dismisses the concerns of parents and sexualizes children will feel it at the ballot box.
On April 6th, parents from across the country would like to have a word with you. We’ll be in Burbank, rallying to send the message: Our kids are OUR kids. They aren’t the property of the woke expert class who believe they know better how to raise our kids.
So, Disney, you’ll be hearing from parents very soon.
Sean Feucht