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Charlie Kirk’s New Campaign ‘No Forced Vax’ Calls Out Impending Medical Segregation On College Campuses

College campuses across America are laying the groundwork for a Medical Apartheid anytime they flirt with the idea of mandatory vaccines. We all know the days of racial segregation in this country are long gone, but it’s incumbent on institutions of higher learning to stop the slow creep of medical segregation from coming back into our national ethos. 

Like I’ve said many times before: I am vaccine agnostic; take the experimental drug if you want, don’t take it if you don’t want to. But personal medical decisions should remain just that—personal. That’s always been the standard in America, don’t let proponents of medical tyranny change that.

Get the facts you need to join the movement against mandatory vaccines in America. Head to TPUSA.Com/Vax to learn more.

“I want to congratulate Turning Point because you’re creating a change that will affect us for decades.”

- Rudy Giuliani