News Site Claims The “Heterosexual Queer” is On The Rise

Ever heard of an oxymoron? Of course, you have, but if you need a refresher course, I’m here to give it to you.
For many of you, this concept may have been locked into your brain’s vault all the way from 6th grade English, and that’s okay! I’m going to define it and provide a PERFECT example…
Merriam-Webster defines an Oxymoron as this:
a combination of contradictory or incongruous words (such as cruel kindness) broadly:
something (such as a concept) that is made up of contradictory or incongruous elements
Yeah, so if that doesn’t jog your memory, here’s an example that caught my eye…
Here’s an article from “Spiked” that claims that the “heterosexual queer” is on the “rise.”
I’m sorry, WHAT!?!
That makes literally ZERO SENSE. In fact, a lot of the article makes zero sense. Check out some of their direct quotes:
So, dear heterosexual ‘queers,’ I’d like you to do two things for me. First, imagine if white people blacked themselves up, called themselves the n-word and rewrote the history and culture of black people (in all its myriad manifestations over thousands of years) to be in line with portrayals in 19th-century minstrel shows. Second, bugger off, bugger off further than that, and then keep buggering off. (But don’t worry – you won’t have to do any actual buggering).
Wait, so, now they’re like upset about it??? I’m sorry, to me, this just sounds like someone with WAYYYY too much time on their hands and decided to get upset about NOTHING.
Is this really what journalism has reached at this point today? Unfortunately, I believe so.
Anyways, at least now you have a “progressive” example of what an oxymoron looks like…