New York Times Says Disney’s ‘The Little Mermaid Lacks ‘Kink’

The chatter and buildup surrounding the reboot of the classic Disney movie, The Little Mermaid was palpable. The live-action reboot of Disney’s iconic film has been surrounded by controversy after it became yet another project where Disney decided to race-swap the originally white characters with non-white actors.
Regardless of its controversy, the reboot did not disappoint at the box office; the film grossed a $118 million debut and has received positive reviews from film critics.
The numbers for the children’s PG-rated movie dominated the box office, but one New York Times (NYT) reviewer was not happy. According to NYT Journalist Wesley Morris, The Little Mermaid did not have enough “mystery,” “risk,” or “kink.”
Yes, you read that correctly. A film that is geared toward little boys and girls has been condemned by the NYT for not being kinky enough.
Wikipedia, explains kink as, “A BDSM scene in human sexuality, kinkiness is the use of non-conventional sexual practices, concepts or fantasies. The term derives from the idea of a ‘bend’ (cf. a ‘kink’) in one’s sexual behavior, to contrast such behavior with ‘straight’ or ‘vanilla’ sexual mores and proclivities.”
On what planet should a children’s movie include any of these behaviors? Have we really devolved so far as a culture where a writer thinks that any of these practices should be included in a PG-rated movie?
This review should not be dismissed or even discounted. It should be used to raise awareness about how certain members of our society view children. There is a growing portion of our population, who want to corrupt our children morally, spiritually, and sexually.
These comments were a call to action by a writer at a well-read newspaper that children’s content should be more sexual. We cannot sit idly by as these depraved people attempt to harm our children. We must start our own call to action. We must contact the New York Times and express our displeasure with this review. We must have people reach out to the writer and ask him for a further explanation. If we do not stand up for morals and values, there will be none left for the next generation.