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Navy Releases “Instructional” Video For Sailors on Proper Pronoun Use

Leaked footage of a video created to train Navy Sailors shows just how radicalized the institution has become. The video speaks to military members like toddlers, using simple words and a colorful background to encourage creating a “safe space” by using “accurate pronouns” when speaking to someone.

“Using the right pronouns is a really simple way to affirm someone’s identity, it is a signal of acceptance and respect,” one of the video hosts says, “it’s not about you at all.”

The hosts continue by recommending “inclusive” ways to greet a group, recommending phrases like, “Hey team,” as opposed to “Hey guys.” Because who isn’t offended when someone addresses a group of people as “guys” – I know I am.

The Air Force also joined in on the festivities, tweeting their support:

The Marines didn’t want to miss out on the action either, tweeting a helmet with rainbow bullets as seen below:

We won’t be winning wars with colorful language and inclusivity, and our adversaries know it. While they build their forces in strength, we build our diversity! Sounds like a winning strategy to me…..

“I want to congratulate Turning Point because you’re creating a change that will affect us for decades.”

- Rudy Giuliani