Math is racist?!?!?
These days, it seems everything on American college campuses is considered racist–and now, you can add simple arithmetic to that list.
Last month, a math professor at Brooklyn College, Laurie Rubel, tweeted her belief that the equation 2+2=4 “reeks of white supremacist patriarchy.” What the heck is that supposed to mean?
In Rubel’s words, math is not “culturally neutral” and because it is rooted in tradition and “purity,” it perpetuates the ideas of white supremacy and patriarchy.
Give me a break. How privileged must our society be for a successful female math professor at an esteemed American university to sit around debating the “racism” of mathematics? Either this professor has too much time on her hands, or her job just isn’t stimulating enough.
News flash–not everything, everywhere, all the time is racist. And that’s okay.