Mass Shootings are NOT a Reason for Gun Control
Mass shootings are absolutely tragic. They are one of the most cowardly, despicable crimes that human beings are unfortunately capable of. After one happens, does that mean we should start restricting ALL weapons??? No.
The unfortunate truth is that bad people will always be bad. There will always be people who will get their hands on most likely ILLEGAL guns, and they will use them in violent ways. You can’t stop that; what you can do is BE PREPARED if it does happen.
No greater testimony than when a piece of you-know-what punk tried to shoot up a church, and then the congregation ended up returning fire and pumped his soulless body full of lead.
Graphic, I know, I DON’T CARE. As Americans, we have the right to defend ourselves, and if there’s a live shooter threat, you better bet your tail I have my gun on me, and the government didn’t take it away from me.
Every time an awful shooting happens, politicians try to justify taking YOUR right to defend yourself when, in reality, it could be costing you your life. There’s no excuse; we have to fight fire with fire. Do you think pepper spray or a taser is going to protect you from an active shooter? HECK NO. But if you start returning fire as that church did, the shooter will regret EVERY BIT of their satanic and heartless attack.