Like Her Or Not, The Kylie Cosmetic Line Was Genius
I do not own any Kylie Cosmetic products, but I will say that the birth of the business was absolutely genius.
I think about this a lot, actually.
Kylie Jenner revolutionized the entire medical cosmetic treatment industry at 16 years old. Whether you agree with her beauty choices or not, that is a fact.
Her decision to get lip fillers made such an unprecedented impact among women that she then used it as an opportunity to capitalize on it by creating a lip kit.. This lip kit eventually led to an entire cosmetic line that made her a billionaire.
She marketed the lip kit on her Instagram in a way that had never been done before–by integrating it into her life and daily routines. Hundreds of millions of people were already following Kylie to see parts of her life that aren’t captured on the popular show, Keeping Up With The Kardashians.
I researched the manufacturing, and I believe it was/is very low cost—another great move on her part.
In 2018, Forbes published a story on Kylie highlighting that she is “the youngest self-made billionaire ever.” I happen to disagree with that statement because she did have money before that, and she used it to get the cosmetic treatments and ultimately start her cosmetic line. She also has over a hundred million followers on Instagram, so the advertising and marketing were seamless and essentially free (minus the cost to produce the materials for social media distribution – i.e., photos, props). So that is why I don’t agree with the statement by Forbes at all, and I think they should have picked a different statement to plaster across their magazine.
After Kylie had success with her cosmetic line, all of a sudden, more and more celebrities, like Kim Kardashian, Rihanna, and Selena Gomez, followed her footsteps by starting cosmetic lines, too.
I am not sure if Kylie thought of the idea to capitalize or someone else did, but whoever it was should replace Mark Cuban on Shark Tank.