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Law Students, Beware of Professor Kimberlé Crenshaw

If you like Critical Race Theory, the “Defund the Police” movement, the 1619 Project, or intersectionality, you will LOVE Professor Kimberlé Crenshaw. Ms. Crenshaw is an attorney who is employed full-time at both Columbia and UCLA Law Schools. According to her Wikipedia, she is also a civil rights advocate, philosopher, and leading scholar of Critical Race Theory. 

Essentially, Crenshaw is a founding scholar of CRT and invented the concept of intersectionality, which is a Liberal ideology that’s the “wokest of woke.” According to Merriam-Webster, intersectionality can be defined as a “complex, cumulative way in which the effects of multiple forms of discrimination (such as racism, sexism, and classism) combine, overlap, or intersect especially in the experiences of marginalized individuals or groups.” Translation: pile on layers and layers of identity politics (ex: black, woman, trans) and combine them to blame others and remove all responsibility for yourself.  

Speaking of responsibility, Ms. Crenshaw is probably treating her students irresponsibly. Working as a full-time professor at two law schools means that students at both schools are being short-changed. They are likely being served identical, repeated classes that lack individuality, spontaneity, or creativity.

Additionally, law school is extremely difficult and intense. Students often need copious amounts of time with professors to adequately understand the course material. If a professor is in a time zone three hours away, with a second full-time job and only in-person on a limited basis, there is no way that she is capable of providing the required amount of instruction.

In terms of required instruction, students at both UCLA and Columbia Law should pray that Ms. Crenshaw’s classes are not required, but rather electives. To be a successful, practicing attorney, one must understand extremely difficult legal concepts like civil/criminal procedure, evidence, contracts, common law, and statutes. Learning about woke racial constructs will not make anyone a better lawyer or more equipped to handle clients.

Here are just a couple of Ms. Crenshaw’s alienating and dangerous ideologies:

The teachings of Ms. Crenshaw are divisive and exclusionary exercises in segregation. She’s a cut and paste copy machine of Leftist, Marxist ideologies that have no basis in the American education system. By using identity politics and labels to remove responsibility, she creates a generation of ill-equipped lawyers. 

To learn more about Ms. Crenshaw and other radical professors like her, visit TPUSA’s Professor Watchlist. From here, you can also research other schools or submit a tip about other professors who are attempting to indoctrinate students on campus.   

To express displeasure with Ms. Crenshaw and her teaching, parents, teachers, donors and alumni can contact UCLA School of Law at (310) 825-4841 and Columbia Law School at (212) 854-2640. Please also use social media to follow the accounts of Ms. Crenshaw and share her divisive posts with school administrators, potential donors, members of the media or anyone who will listen. 

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