LA County Sheriff To Handle Homeless Crisis

Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva has spoken up and blamed Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti and the City of Los Angeles for the homelessness crisis. Sheriff Villanueva says he will handle it with his departments because the local government is not handling the crisis; it has only worsened.
In case you didn’t know, the state of California has a horrible policing policy when it comes to immigration and homelessness. This is because liberals like to be empathetic to all (except conservatives), even criminals.
Sheriff Villanueva said that “people come from out of state to set up shop in LA County because they think everyone here is a fool and we’re giving away free condos and free everything.”
This is absolutely true. Leftist leaders have incentivized for the homeless to come here for years.
In California, and I have dealt with this multiple times in my own neighborhood. Even if you get arrested for something like trespassing or breaking and entering, you will be released within hours with no consequence. Then they just go right back. Over and over again. It’s a revolving door.
Sheriff Villanueva directed this statement at the city of LA: “If you handcuff the local law enforcement, in this case, the Pacific Division of LAPD, to not enforce the rule of law, bad things happen” continuing with, “So we’re taking action.”
The leadership in Los Angeles has become far too politically correct (to put it lightly); therefore, there are terrible repercussions for California residents.
The homeless population in LA beach cities such as Venice Beach and Santa Monica is growing. Since the homeless population is growing in these areas, fires started by the homeless, shootings, and crime, in general, has gone up. In addition, LA beaches and neighboring cities have been filled with trash and filth due to the homelessness crisis.

But of course, Leftists and their leadership will blame the fires on climate change and blame the shootings on the NRA.
Sheriff Villanueva has ordered 16 deputies to the Homeless Outreach Services Team – H.O.S.T. – to begin patrolling the Venice boardwalk. Councilman Bonin, who represents Venice, says that Sheriff Villanueva and the LAPD are exploiting the homeless for political gain.
A resident gave a quote saying:
“I welcome the sheriff 100%” and continued, “It’s been great that they’ve come in here and that they’re doing something that [Councilman] Bonin should have done a long time ago that he never did.”
With law and order being enforced in Venice, the hopes are that the homeless population will lessen, crime will lessen, and discourage any more homeless from entering the area. It seems as if the Sheriff’s Department has the support from local residents who want their communities back and don’t want to see their community destroyed.