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Idaho’s Department of Health and Welfare Encourages Curriculum from Radical ‘Porn Literacy’ Group

It was recently reported that the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare (IDHW) has included a sex education curriculum in their schools from an organization that encourages “porn literacy” for students K-12. IDHW is accused of purchasing material specifically from Education, Training and Research (ETR) a nonprofit organization that teaches “porn literacy” for children in order to “promote critical thinking.”

Below, Libs of TikTok shared a video from the organization discussing supposed benefits to teaching what they call porn literacy to minors:

“Idaho law requires sex education taught in public schools to reinforce traditional family arrangements . . . IDHW takes funds from federal programs like the Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP) and Title V Sexual Risk Avoidance Education (SRAE). Then, IDHW acquires sex education products from non-profits like Education, Training and Research (ETR), whose curriculum is developed and endorsed by Planned Parenthood.”

Idaho Freedom Foundation

The report follows a link from the IDHW government website which takes you to a page operated by the IDHW, where under resources ETR’s “Reducing the Risk” (RTR) curriculum is listed as a program available in Idaho schools. The website is clearly attempting to blur the lines between government entity and private organization, likely due to the fact that Idaho’s law states all sex education must be centered around the traditional nuclear family, as well as encourage abstinence. The curriculum designed by ETR, however, seems to do the opposite.

“ETR delivers a variety of approaches, including a ‘LGBTQ Inclusive’ curriculum that queers education with an emphasis on ‘gender identity, sexual orientation and behavior.’ ETR also advocates for teaching elementary students about “porn literacy,” which involves instruction on ‘kink and power, pleasure, sexual identity, sexual acts, and sexual exploration in relation to pornography.'”
“A RTR curriculum link on the health district’s website directs viewers and teachers to ETR’s trainings on Porn Literacy and Queering Sex Ed.”

Idaho Freedom Foundation

ETR has made a goal of normalizing the consumption of pornography for minors, who would be most negatively affected by it. Porn negatively affects the brain, reduce development, create stress, and an endless cycle of addictive compulsive behavior that makes you a slave to a screen. The industry also presents people as products to profit off of, rather than uniquely valuable and respected. It is absolutely not something that should be introduced to let alone encouraged for minors.

It isn’t fully known how much or little of ETR’s curriculum is injected into each individual school, however it was reported that nearly every health district in the state bought into the program. Regardless, I highly doubt that most Idaho parents want their tax-payer funds supporting an organization that initiates vulgar and inappropriate conversations with minors regarding pornography, and openly attempt to normalize it.

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