Homeless Encampments Are a No Win
Homeless encampments are a growing trend and deepening problem is several liberal cities across the United States. Some see these gatherings as a way to effectuate social change. However, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Homeless encampments harm both the community and the homeless themselves. They wreak havoc on a community, harm their own inhabitants and do nothing to advance any cause of any kind.
Visit an urban area with a nearby homeless encampment and nearly all residents will tell you that they’re fed up. Living in a city means dwelling in often smaller, limited indoor spaces and heavy reliance public areas, such a parks for exercise and recreation. These homeless encampments are always in such public space. They often block busy streets, occupy busy court houses or take over community parks. All of this creates a general sense of chaos. Trash accumulates. Public urination and defecation occur. Traffic backs up. Crime rises and residents have nowhere to go. Residents who work hard, pay taxes and expect a quality of life for themselves and their families are left terrified and helpless.
Also becoming helpless are the homeless in the encampments. It is no secret that an extremely high percentage of homeless suffer with addiction or mental illness. Living in an encampment over a shelter means no access to substance abuse treatment or mental health counseling. Without assistance these kinds of assistance these problems don’t resolve themselves. They get worse. The camps are also filled with human waste and garbage which spreads serious diseases like Hepatitis and even the plague.
Advocating for social change is a right guaranteed to every American citizen. However, occupying tax payer funded public space illegally is not a right granted to any citizen. With no upside to the homeless encampments, liberal mayors should work to eradicate such public dwellings thereby benefiting residents and helping the homeless. That is a solution that is advantageous to everyone.