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Former Patients of ‘Gender Affirming’ Miami Surgeon Reveal Horrifying Post-Op Complications

Hospital staff prepare room for surgical procedure.

A Miami plastic surgeon who specializes in performing “gender affirming” surgeries, and more specifically procedures known as “top-surgeries” or double-mastectomies, recently faced extreme backlash when former patients revealed their severe and nearly life-threatening post-operation complications.

Dr. Sidhbh Gallagher is a grown woman and TikTok celebrity doctor who calls herself “Dr. Teetus Deletus” on social media, where she also markets her practices directly to young people who may be interested in so-called gender affirming treatments. A Daily Wire investigative reporter found that more than five patients who “range from overweight to super morbid obese” and all received top surgery operations performed by Dr. Gallagher experienced gruesome complications following the procedure.

“Three weeks after the surgery, Rylan’s wounds reopened, became infected, and required an emergency room visit. Rylan alleges that Gallagher disputed that the wounds were infected or that hospital treatment was required. Rylan ended up having over six inches of necrotic tissue removed, and said the experience ‘almost cost me my life.'”

Daily Wire

Rylan shared a video to social media which explained the many gory details of his post-op condition and directly named Dr. Gallagher as the surgeon responsible for the complications; the post went viral almost instantly.

Many plastic surgeons choose to not operate on obese or severely overweight individuals due to the increased risk of complications and infection, however Dr. Gallagher, in an effort to be as “inclusive as possible,” has stated that her medical practice does not have an “absolute cut-off” for maximum body mass index (BMI). In fact, about 54% of her patients are dangerously overweight, according to her published work.

“One study found that more than a quarter of trans-identifying adults seeking “gender affirming” surgery were obese and considered ineligible due to high BMI. Another recent study found that 39% of trans-identifying females seeking testosterone treatment were obese, and that figure increased to 42-52% after treatment began.”

Daily Wire

According to the Daily Wire report, multiple patients anonymously shared graphic photos to a Facebook group of infections that had festered post-op, and chastised Dr. Gallagher her for poor advise on how to treat the open wounds left from their top surgery. Many had to undergo second operations to drain the abscesses.

During a 2022 interview with the New York Times, Gallagher stated that she has performed gender affirming top surgeries on minors with parental consent, and continues to operate on approximately one or two minors per month.

Dr. Gallagher seems to downplay the negative side effects both physical and emotional which many feel after undergoing “bottom surgery” — incredibly invasive procedures which destroy natural sex organs and create fake and non-functioning parts to take their place.

“There is a certain amount of discomfort to be expected,” Gallagher wrote in a post to TikTok, “Just know that this is common and will pass.” These surgeries can range anywhere from $10,000 to $30,000 or more, creating quite the incentive for plastic surgeons like Gallagher to frame the procedures’s effects in this way. Despite the very convincing TikTok explanation offered, bottom surgeries not only sterilize the patient, but also require lifelong follow-up care for urological complications, among other painful and severe consequences.

“The possible risks of transfeminine bottom surgery include, but are not limited to, bleeding, infection, poor healing of incisions, hematoma, nerve injury, stenosis of the vagina, inadequate depth of the vagina, injury to the urinary tract, abnormal connections between the urethra and the skin, painful intercourse and anesthesia risks.”

American Society of Plastic Surgeons

According to the Daily Wire report, the Florida State Medical Board has yet to receive an official complaint from one of Dr. Gallagher’s patients, which prevents the board from taking any investigative or disciplinary actions at this time.

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