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Cook County Judge Denys Mother Visitation Rights of Her Child Due to Not Being Vaccinated for COVID-19

This is BEYOND crossing the line!

In Chicago, Judge James Shapiro of Cook County has taken away a mother’s parental rights because she chose not to get vaccinated for the COVID-19 virus. Rebecca Firlit was in a child support hearing with her ex-husband when suddenly the judge asked if she had been vaccinated, wherein she responded that she had not because she has had adverse reactions to vaccines in the past. The judge then suddenly stripped her of all rights regarding visitation with her son due to her unvaccinated status.

Is this America, or is this communist China? As time goes by it’s getting harder to tell the difference. Those in power are imposing their ridiculous will on our civil liberties and now on our ability to be parents, as shown in the case of Rebecca Firlit. This power grab needs to end, and We the People need to be the ones who end it!


How much further does it need to go until you stand up and fight back? Stop letting our impending doom draw closer and closer because you think, “it will pass,” or “surely it can’t get much worse than this.” If you do not act now, it will be too late and you’ll be left wondering why you waited so long to do something at all. Don’t let that be you — stand up for what you know to be right, and NOW before we are trounced by big government and their whimsical abuse of power and authority.

Update: The judge has since rescinded the arbitrary order against the mother, restoring her parental rights. However, the father and his legal team are challenging the reversal of the court order regarding their child and her vaccination status, contending that she should be vaccinated for the sake of the child.

“Charlie is leading the way with young people at Turning Point USA.”

- Kimberly Guilfoyle