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Canada Bans all Handgun Sales, Purchases, and Transfers

Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has just announced a nation-wide freeze on handguns, which went into effect on Friday. Canadian citizens are no longer able to transfer ownership, buy, or sell a handgun in the country. Individuals will also not be able to bring new handguns into the country.

“We have already banned over 1,500 types of assault-style firearms and have strengthened our gun control laws to expand background checks.”

PM Trudeau Press Release

Trudeau, among other restrictive policies, has proposed reducing the legal magazine capacity, banning all semi-automatic firearms, and implementing stricter red-flag laws. Prior to the new handgun ban, Canada already banned individuals from conceal-carrying on their person, with rare exceptions.

“Canada’s Royal Mounted Police explanation reads, ‘If you want to request authorization to carry a handgun or restricted long gun for a lawful occupational purpose, you must obtain an Authorization to Carry (ATC) from the Canadian Firearm Program.'”


Ironically, the Toronto Sun reported that the Canadian federal government previously admitted that though the majority of gun violence is committed using handguns, lawful gun owners account for less than 15% of firearm-related crimes. Their findings stated directly that, “most gun crimes are not committed with legally-owned firearms.”

Canada’s radical left-wing government, however, refused to acknowledge this fact, and decided to punish law-abiding firearm owners — who, at this point, have already jumped through a number of hoops and obstacles in order to comply.

This news also comes just weeks after two suspects went on a mass stabbing spree in Canada’s Province of Saskatchewan, killing 10 and injuring 19, none of the victims were able to arm themselves with a firearm for self defense.

“Canadians have the right to feel safe in their homes, in their schools, and in their places of worship. With handgun violence increasing across Canada, it is our duty to take urgent action to remove these deadly weapons from our communities. Today, we’re keeping more guns out of our communities, and keeping our kids safe.”

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Trudeau’s government feels that Canadians have the right to feel safe in their homes, but remove their ability to defend themselves from would-be intruders with a firearm. In fact, the Prime Minister specifically said that Canadians do not have the right to use a firearm for self-defense, even if they own one legally.

Justin Trudeau wants Canadian citizens to feel safe at places of worship, and yet sent his militant police force to shut down churches for violating “COVID-19 protocol.” In 2021, police stormed a church in Calgary, Canada but were quickly turned away by the head pastor who told officers to leave and to only return with a warrant. Despite this instance, multiple pastors from around the country were either jailed, threatened with the possibility, or fined for simply opening their churches. When churches were able to finally reopen in certain areas, they were given strict regulations to follow, such as banning “congregational singing” because “it spreads the virus farther than talking.”

This is a government that does not want its citizens to answer to a higher power than themselves, it has nothing to do with safety, it never has.

The new policy will allocate over $300 million towards attempting to deter future gun crimes by increasing the maximum punishment from 10 years to 14 years in prison, and improve “gun tracing.” But the Toronto Sun reasons, “to suggest criminals undeterred by a maximum 10-year sentence for smuggling guns are going to be deterred by a maximum 14-year sentence is absurd.”

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