Back to School, Please!
How much further scientific data do we need to prove that schools can open safely? Our children have missed over 100 days this school year. That’s well over 500 hours of proper education flushed down the toilet by greedy, self-interested teachers unions.
If one dares to say that teachers simply don’t want to work, they are lambasted and deemed racist or misogynistic. We have truck drivers, doctors, nurses, grocery store employees who have been working throughout the pandemic. So, teachers must stop with the safety argument. We have schools in the great red state of Florida that have been open all year without major incidents. We also have countless private schools across the country that have done very well managing in-person education.
This shows how truly political this crisis is. This is a disgrace. Those who can financially afford it have switched to private education. Therefore, the children who are most impacted are lower income. This creates an even larger chasm between the haves and the have nots. Our children are not political pawns, and the teachers unions MUST be held accountable.