Anne Hathaway: ‘Abortion can be another Word for Mercy’

While making a guest appearance on “The View,” a liberal talkshow, Anne Hathaway was asked about a post to Instagram she made regarding the 16th anniversary of “The Devil Wears Prada.” One of the hosts, Joy Behar, asked Hathaway about references she made to “reproductive rights” and why she feels they are so important.
Hathaway made all of the expected liberal talking points. Due to her many years of acting experience, she almost made some of the most illogical arguments sound compassionate and credible — but ultimately revealed her overall ignorance.
“This is not a moral conversation about abortion. This is a practical conversation about women’s rights, and by the way, human rights, because women’s rights are human rights,” Hathaway said, as if it were the most profound statement ever made. “Abortion can be another word for mercy,” she continued as the live audience applauded her.
Her statement at face value made no sense to social media users. How could an abortion, the killing of an innocent human being, possibly be merciful? Because her focus is on the self. It is your body, it is your “reproductive destiny,” your career, your future, your life, and so on. A woman sacrifices her child in an abortion for her own future, for her own happiness.
Hathaway displayed total incomprehension of where pro-life activists are coming from when they advocate for restricting abortion access. She (like so many others on the left) refuses to address the humanity of the child in the womb. This is why liberals often appear absolutely dumbfounded as to why anyone would ever be against the “right to choose.”
Hathaway also posted an article to Instagram claiming pro-life advocates believe “that [a woman’s] personhood and anatomy are conditional,” — clearly not seeing the irony. Abortion supporters treat the baby’s life conditionally, and only allow them the right to personhood when they are wanted by the mother. The article made assertions which confuse medical care for ectopic pregnancies or miscarriages with intentional abortion procedures, villainize crisis pregnancy centers, and imply that laws will seek to punish women who obtain abortions (rather than those who perform them). These are all common left-wing scare tactics that have been invalidated time and time again. The illustration used as cover art also depicts a pregnant woman’s stomach as a “ball and chain” which garnered serious backlash.
In fact, negative comments flooded Hathaway’s page, explaining that her point of view is skewed and not founded in reality:
“ABORTIONS AND MISCARRIAGES ARE NOTTTTT INDISTINGUISHABLE. That’s wildly insulting to those who suffer miscarriage.”
“Black Lives Matter. Babies Lives Matter. Stop the annihilation of the African American race via abortion.”
“Stick to acting.”
Multiple celebrities have been announcing their despair over the Dobbs decision which overturned Roe v. Wade just a few months ago. Jennifer Lawrence recently told Vogue that she was devastated over the ruling, while also explaining how much joy her son brings her.
Pop-culture tells women that motherhood is a chore, that having children ruins successful careers, and that if you are poor you shouldn’t experience the beauty of creating life because of the financial burden. These are corrosive lies, and it is disappointing to see such an incredible actress pedal these fabricated straw man arguments.